Many safety campaigns have focused on making drivers more aware of the dangers of texting and driving, but texting isn’t the only distraction that can make someone dangerous on the road. While texting is one of the greatest distractions that drivers face and a common cause of serious collisions, other distractions are also responsible for collisions.
If a driver is distracted when they’re behind the wheel, they’re a risk to themselves and others. Some common distractions that lead to crashes and that drivers should avoid include:
- Eating while driving
- Drinking and driving
- Getting into arguments or heated discussions with passengers
- Setting up a GPS
- Changing the radio station
- Rubbernecking
Any of these distractions can lead to collisions that maim and take lives. It’s important that you and those you care about take action to avoid these distractions when you drive and to avoid others who may be distracted behind the wheel.
In your own vehicle, make sure you set aside your phone, try not to eat and drink when you’re driving and set your GPS and radio station before you leave. If you do need to eat or feel distracted, pull over until you can refocus on driving.
Can someone be held responsible for causing a crash while distracted?
While not all of these actions are illegal or prohibited when driving, if someone causes a crash because they were distracted, they can be held liable. As a victim of a crash, you have a right to seek compensation from someone who caused a collision that resulted in injuries and financial losses.
How can you prove that distractions were involved in a collision?
You don’t necessarily need to worry about proving that distractions were involved in the crash so long as the other driver is found to be at fault. However, if you witnessed them on the phone or driving oddly while passing another crash, then you should let the police know about that at the scene. They may go further and request more information from the driver, and the driver may admit to not paying attention to the road or other actions that led to a crash.