You can't just swap out court-ordered child support for things of equal value, which is what some people ordered to pay support want to do. If it's questionable whether your support payments are actually going to support your children, you might want to pay for school...
Month: October 2016
Should you keep copies of alimony payments?
If you are ordered to pay alimony following a divorce, it's a good idea to keep organized records showing your payments. One reason that you might want to keep records is so you can prove that you made timely, appropriate payments. Such evidence could become important...
Are you considering all your property during your divorce?
Property division can be one of the more divisive parts of your divorce, and the more property you have, the more work you might need to put in on the details. While it might seem like a high-asset divorce would be easier because both parties would end up with enough...
Study shows difference in parenting tasks leads to stress for mom
In a study no one is calling surprising, researchers from several universities and organizations have concluded that moms are less happy overall and are more stressed about parenting than dads are. It's important to note that these observations are based on a study...