If you are headed into a divorce, pay attention. You are about to take a big, important step in your life. Make it a step forward and not a step backward. There are common mistakes that many divorcing couples make and later wish they hadn't. Like anything else in...
Month: January 2018
Tax reform may mean more 2018 divorces
Connecticut doesn't have the highest number of divorces when compared against other states. Only 10.6 percent of the population are divorced according to the U.S. Census Bureau. But if couples in Connecticut are contemplating divorces, their attorneys may advise them...
Parenting with your ex
Parenting with your ex can be a good thing, and unless you have had a really bitter divorce, you could probably make it happen. However, it might take some effort. Here's how one couple does it. The couple has one son, and when they divorced, they agreed that in an...
More divorce cases are filed in January
It may not be surprising that the month with the lowest number of divorce cases filed is December. This is when everyone is busy in a frenzy of activities, holiday shopping and family get-togethers. Who has time to think about a divorce? Research done by the Institute...