Most women have continued the tradition of changing their last name to that of their husband when they get married. However, many opt to return to their maiden name when they divorce. For a lot of women, it's about reclaiming their life and shedding as much of their...
Month: July 2016
Handling co-parenting issues
It's been said many times that the people who fare worst after a divorce are the children. Co-parenting isn't quite like anything else. There will be disagreements about bed times, special activities, discipline and many other circumstances, but these disagreements...
Myths about divorce
You've probably heard a lot of myths and cliches about marriage. You may wonder how much of what you have heard is actually true. Here are some of the most common myths about marriage and why couples therapists say you should ignore them. -- Love is all you need. Yes,...
How can I simplify my divorce?
By its nature, divorce is not easy. However, there are a few things that you can do to help make the process a little less difficult -- even those with high asset divorces. Consider the following tips for simplifying your divorce: -- If you are the one who wants the...
Frequently asked questions about child support in Connecticut
When the parents of a child separate, the non-custodial parent is generally tasked with paying the custodial parent child support. This money is to help the custodial parent with the expenses of child-rearing, and as most parents will tell you, it can become very...