Many people getting a divorce focus a great deal of energy on figuring out how to divide their assets, even in divorces that involve high net worth assets. In order to achieve a greater balance when it is all said and done, it would benefit such couples to think about...
Month: June 2015
A possible downside of 50/50 child custody
When it comes to creating co-parenting plans and child custody agreements, parents have several options to choose from in Connecticut. One of these options is a 50-50 custody agreement, which means both parents enjoy an equal amount of time parenting their children....
Can I change a child support order in Connecticut?
Modifications to Connecticut child support orders occur more often than many people think. Changes in income, family units and several other factors can prompt these modifications so it makes sense that the law facilitates parents in requesting modifications. Either...
Connecticut spousal support | The other side of the issue
In most cases, the subject of spousal support revolves around the person who receives the support rather than the person responsible for paying. However, in these more modern times, many people charged with paying long-term support wonder when they will ever get a...