Are you paying child support or spousal support? Are you concerned that the payments are simply not affordable at this time? Keep paying what you can. Anything you don't pay can be considered a debt, and legal action could be taken. Instead of stopping the payments on...
Month: August 2016
Do summer vacations affect the divorce rate?
A new study from a sociology professor and a doctoral candidate from the University of Washington reports that divorce filings peak after family holidays, such in August after most summer vacations and in March after the winter holidays. Fourteen years of data on...
Important information regarding recording phone calls
While everyone hopes for a peaceful co-parenting situation, sometimes circumstances beyond your control make this very difficult. If you have a high-conflict situation with an ex, you may dread having to have in-person conversations or phone calls. You may wonder if...
What is the dissipation of assets?
If you and your spouse are heading toward divorce, you may have noticed that he or she is spending money a bit differently than it's been spent in the past. If you become worried that your spouse is simply trying to burn through as much of the money as possible, it...
Alimony basics
Will I get alimony and will I have to pay alimony are two of the most common questions family law attorneys get. Alimony, much like child support, is a hot-button issue that affects many divorces. Two of the most important factors when it comes to alimony are the...