Connecticut state senator Rob Kane resigned from his post on Jan. 4 to accept a $146,000-a-year job as the Chief State Auditor. His job will be to make sure government officials meet legal requirements when handling the state's finances. Kane's ex-wife filed a motion...
Month: January 2017
Child support is important, be sure to understand the orders
In our previous blog post, we discussed how child support modifications can help people who are ordered to pay child support but have had a change in circumstances and aren't able to pay as ordered. It is very important that anyone who is ordered to pay child support...
Know what to do if you can’t pay child support as ordered
When you are responsible for paying child support, you know that your child depends on the funds you send. This money can help to keep a roof over your child's head, food in his or her mouth and cover expenses for activities. Unfortunately, you might find that you...
Divorce mediation puts you in charge of your divorce
We have discussed several aspects of mediation during a divorce on this blog. These posts all have one specific point in common -- you and your ex can take your intimate knowledge of the situation and use that to come to an agreement about the issues that matter in...