Even in the most advantageous of circumstances—an intact family with two parents working at good jobs—it can still be hard to make ends meet. When divorce enters the picture and child support issues land on the table, things can take a fast turn to utter chaos. The...
Month: June 2017
Is it proper for a man to seek alimony?
In a word, the answer to this question is yes. Many people divorcing in Connecticut still do not have a clear idea of alimony's true purpose. It is not a source of free money; it is a system of financial support for ex-spouses. It does not matter if you are male or...
The benefits of attorney counsel during property division
It is easy to do some things in life yourself instead of hiring someone else to do them for you. However, as family law attorneys, we do not believe that property division during a divorce is a good candidate for the do-it-yourself approach. This is especially so when...
What are some tips for a fair high asset divorce in Connecticut?
The statement that money can complicate anything contains a great deal of truth. You probably already know that divorcing is challenging in and of itself. Add money to the mix and chaos can reign unchecked. For many, it is not about the actual money in a high asset...
Child custody and the Connecticut Safe Haven law
Even in the very best of times, we understand that parenting a child can be challenging. When someone who is too young, unmarried or completely ill-equipped to parent has a baby, the challenges may become overwhelming. This can lead to rash decisions made in the heat...