It’s long been known that you are most likely to get into a car accident close to your house. Some reports, which were looking at injury rates for even those who weren’t in motor vehicle crashes, noted that the vast majority of people were injured within 10 miles of their home. For car accidents in specific, roughly 77% occurred in a 10 mile radius around the injured party’s house.
Have you ever wondered why this happens? Why do people crash so often on the roads that are closest to their house? There are a few different potential reasons.
The drive is too routine and boring
First of all, driving near your house is very common. This can make it seem routine and boring to someone who does it every single day. For instance, maybe you have a nine mile commute, so you’re driving there and back again every single work day. Eventually, this boredom can cause you to be less alert or to make mistakes because you just take safety for granted.
This is naturally where people drive
On the other side of the equation, there are those who argue that most crashes happen within 10 miles of the house simply because that is statistically where people do most of their driving. Someone might do 90% of their driving within that range and only a mere 10% outside of it. Even if they don’t think the drive is boring, if they’re eventually going to get into an accident, it is just statistically most likely to happen within that range.
You can never get complacent
Regardless of the reason, these stats do help to show that you can never get complacent and assume that driving is safe. You have to remember just how many people are seriously injured or even killed in crashes every single year. People often overlook this and assume that they’ll be fine, but it’s very clear that driving is actually one of the most dangerous things most of them will ever do.
If you do get seriously injured in the crash, be sure you know how to seek financial compensation.