In most cases, the subject of spousal support revolves around the person who receives the support rather than the person responsible for paying. However, in these more modern times, many people charged with paying long-term support wonder when they will ever get a break.
Since the middle of the 20th century, Americans grew up accepting that most wives would likely receive alimony if a divorce occurred. Many ex-spouses paying spousal support today do not feel they should be forced to carry the burden of being financially responsible for a person with whom they no longer have a relationship. As such, attorneys are often asked how one might be relieved of this burden. In Connecticut, the law provides a couple of ways to stop paying spousal support and they are:
Ex Living with Another: The state’s cohabitation statute states that the court can modify a spousal support order if the receiving party is living in a domestic way with another person. The statute clarifies that a change can occur if the receiving party’s financial needs have changed due to the cohabitation. Possible modifications include suspension, termination or reduction of alimony.
Significant Change in Circumstances: These significant changes apply to both the payor and the payee. For example if the person receiving spousal support marries another or experiences a substantial increase in income, spousal support might be modified. If the payor loses a job or experiences substantial reductions in income, the court may grant a modification order to reduce or terminate spousal support.
It is important to remember that a once married couple cannot change spousal support simply by agreeing with one another. It takes a court order or a decree to modify a spousal support agreement in compliance with the law.
We invite you to browse our family law web pages to learn how an attorney can help you seek modifications to your existing spousal support order.