When the first summer after your divorce arrives, you suddenly realize that you have a problem. In the past, when the kids were out of school, you and your ex took turns watching them. Now that you are divorced, when you have custody, you still have to work during...
The O'Neil Law Firm, P.C.
Does having separate bank accounts matter in divorce?
When you got married, you already had your own bank account. So did your spouse. Rather than combining them, you decided to just keep using the separate ones the way you did before you got married. It seemed easier. Now you're getting divorced. Your spouse, who earns...
After divorce, go to your child’s events
Post-divorce life is bound to be different for your children. No matter what your custody plan looks like, things are going to change. Relationships are going to shift. There's just no way around this. The key is to focus on giving your child the attention and love...
The value of routine for children
When determining how you want to set up your child custody schedule, it's important to consider what you can do to build a solid routine for your kids. It's very important to them. If they don't get it, they can feel anxious and unsettled. According to mental health...
Anyone can start an offshore account
In the lead-up to your divorce, a family friend warns you that one of the more common ways that people try to hide assets is by putting them into offshore bank accounts. They then "forget" to disclose those assets, which don't show up on their traditional bank...
Pre-marriage student loan debt is separate property
Since many people get married in their mid-to-late 20s, they often bring student loan debt to the marriage. They may have just graduated in the last few years, and they each have loans to pay back. As a married couple, they work together on making those payments. But...
Why younger people often think alimony is outdated
Alimony is money paid by one former spouse to his or her ex after divorce. The entire goal is simply to support that person, and they can use it for everything from rent to grocery bills. Payments last for different amounts of time and see far different totals from...
Should you relax your child’s rules after a divorce?
After a divorce, you may feel tempted to tone down the rules you give your child or children. You'll want to let them get away with more -- staying up past their bedtime, for instance -- because you know that the divorce is stressful for them. You think that relaxing...
Should you give up liquid assets in exchange for the house?
You'd really like to keep your home as you get divorced. The whole event feels rather chaotic and upsetting to you, and you feel like having some stability in your living situation will really help you move forward. But your spouse owns a share of that house. He or...
Can your kids pick where they live?
Your spouse files for divorce, and the two of you almost instantly start arguing about custody of the kids. You both want them to live with you. In the heat of the moment, your spouse says that you'll just have to ask the kids. After all, your spouse says, they get to...