Even in the very best of times, we understand that parenting a child can be challenging. When someone who is too young, unmarried or completely ill-equipped to parent has a baby, the challenges may become overwhelming. This can lead to rash decisions made in the heat of sheer panic.
If you have been following the news in Connecticut, you probably already know about a couple of stories involving babies that have recently made headlines. One involves a young mother who left her newborn behind a supermarket in Danbury. The other involves a young father who allegedly threw his baby from a bridge in Middletown.
Without going into any further details about these two incidents, we want to tell you that stories like these make family law attorneys want to reach out to all Connecticut residents. One of the most important messages we can convey is that lawyers can help you find a safe solution when a child is born in the midst of adversity. Viable child custody options exist outside of yourself and the child’s other parent.
Instead of giving in to panic and despair, consider talking with a professional about your problems. An attorney can speak with you about giving a trusted family member or social service agency child custody on a temporary or permanent basis. A lawyer can also tell you about Connecticut’s Safe Haven law. This important law gives biological parents the right to drop off an unwanted baby at a hospital or other safe haven with no risk of arrest for abandonment.
The point we hope to make is that we understand how parenthood in the midst of trauma can result in rash and dangerous decisions. Please consider other child custody options instead and as always, we urge you to seek legal advice before making any sudden decisions. Read more about family law involving children on our website.