2 educational issues divorcing Connecticut parents should discuss

On Behalf of | Jul 21, 2023 | Child Custody |

Some of the responsibilities that parents have toward their children take longer to fulfill than others. For example, supporting a child in their attempt to secure an education can last well into adulthood, in many cases. Parents make decisions ranging from where children live to how they budget based on their children’s career aspirations and educational needs.

When Connecticut parents divorce or separate, they typically need to work together regarding the education of their children. The two issues below are often among the most pressing for the adults in a family to address early in the divorce or separation process.

What schools the children will attend

The school district that a child attends for middle school and high school may have a profound influence on what colleges will admit them and their likelihood of securing financial aid. Parents may need to factor educational concerns into other aspects of the divorce process, like how they handle the marital home, so that their children won’t have to suffer because of their changing family circumstances.

Especially if the parents live in a popular school district where it is nearly impossible to acquire real property or if the children attend a private school that requires an ongoing financial commitment from the parents, it will be very important to have parents in agreement about where the children will go to school and how the parents will ensure they qualify for enrollment at those institutions.

How to cover extra educational costs

Enrollment at a private school, participation in certain extracurricular activities and college tuition can all put a lot of pressure on responsibilities across two households. In general, the Connecticut family court can consider agreed-upon educational expenses when reviewing child support, but it is uncommon for the child support amount to be high enough to cover private school tuition.

Once the children reach adulthood or graduate high school, the legal obligation to pay support ends. Therefore, if parents want to help their children make the most in the future by attending college, they may need to negotiate directly with each other to discuss how to cover those costs, as child support will not adequately supplement household finances for that purpose.

Understanding the rules that apply to both custody and support matters for Connecticut parents can help adults transitioning to new family arrangements better plan for the future needs of their dependents.


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