When couples in Connecticut decide to pursue a divorce, alimony may be awarded to one spouse. In deciding whether or not to award spousal support, courts consider a variety of factors including the length of the marriage. As we’ve mentioned previously, permanent alimony may be granted if a couple was married for more than 25 years.
A study by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research shows that more people over the age of 50 are choosing to part ways with their spouse. About 20 years ago, only 1 in 10 couples over the age of 50 divorced. Now 1 in 4 couples over the age of 50 choose to go their separate ways. Because more people are getting divorced later on in life after years of marriage, alimony may be more of a necessity.
The increased divorce rate for this age group is likely due to a number of factors. The fact that more women have successful careers may be one of those factors. Some couples with children assume that their lives will change for the better when their children are grown and out of the house. However, that shift could negatively affect a couple’s marriage.
Going through a divorce at a younger age can be very different from going through a divorce later on in life. For instance, health insurance becomes a bigger factor and it may be more complicated to divide the marital property. In Connecticut, courts follow the rules of equitable distribution, which means that a couple’s assets will not necessarily be split evenly in half.
Whether you are 25 or 55, going through a divorce can be complex. Because there are so many things to consider, people in Connecticut and beyond would be wise to work with an experienced divorce attorney.
Source: Chicago Tribune, “Post-50 divorce rate doubled in 20 years,” Leslie Mann, Feb. 27, 2013