Some parents in Connecticut may benefit from learning more about the child support guidelines set forth by the state’s Judicial Branch. The guidelines consist of the schedule, worksheet, principles and rulesthat are used to accurately account the amount of child support. Judges use these guidelines when modifying or establishing permanent and temporary orders. There are several purposes state officials had in mind in establishing these guidelines.
The child support guidelines are designed to comply with regulatory mandates as well as state statutes. The guidelines are also designed to improve the efficiency of the legal process by providing assistance in calculating awards amounts and encouraging settlements. Treating similar cases consistently also enable these guidelines to provide equitable awards to most parties. The primary purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that children are receiving an adequate level of support and can receive back pay for missed support in the past.
The amount of support ordered by the court may depend on the parent’s financial situation and ability to pay. The guidelines operate according to the Income Shares Model. This presumes that children should receive support equivalent to the amount generated if the parents were residing together. The model puts the burden of additional living expenses of maintaining separate households on the parents, opposed to letting those costs effect the amount of support entitled to the child.
Parents who need more in-depth answers to questions about the child support guidelines may benefit from contacting a family law attorney. Legal counsel may be able to provide invaluable guidance, while providing answers that are applicable to specific queries. Attorneys may also be able to help parents negotiate more favorable terms concerning other issues, such as child custody arrangements or modifying a visitation schedule.
Source: Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries, “Child Support in Connecticut“, October 15, 2014