When you think about divorce, one of the issues that may pop into your mind is child support. When a couple has a child or children together, there is a high likelihood that one parent will need to pay support. That's the case even when both people are independently...
Child Support
What should child support be used for?
You and your ex-spouse may have many arguments, but one that can come to rest is what child support can or should be used for. Child support, by definition, provides support for your child. That support may cover living expenses, medical bills, school fees and other...
Setting your child support expectations
If you're considering a divorce in Connecticut and children are involved, you are probably wondering what the outcome of child support payments will be. You might even be wondering what it will take to either not have to pay, or to make sure you are paid. Fortunately,...
How much child support goes unpaid?
Your ex has missed the last three child support payments. There's always an excuse, but you're fed up already. You need that money to take care of your child. The court ordered your ex to pay. It feels drastically unfair for him or her to hold that money back for any...
When a child support order is not working
Child support in Connecticut is figured using a child support calculator. The calculator uses both parents' income, the number of children involved and the amount of time each parent has the children. It then runs a mathematical calculation to determine the amounts...
Can a Connecticut child support order include college expenses?
Parents everywhere know that just because children reach the age of maturity, it does not necessarily mean they no longer require financial support. Like other states, the age of maturity in Connecticut is 18 and most people at this age are able to work and become...
Child support order modifications in Connecticut
It is safe to say that most divorced parents in Connecticut live in a fluid financial state, meaning that circumstances can change at a moment's notice. The law addresses these sometimes-changing situations by allowing parents to modify court orders such as child...
Does child support cover education expenses in Connecticut?
One of the best ways to look at child support is as the means to provide for children. It is not a fee paid to the custodial parent and it is not a means of imposing hardships on the noncustodial parent. In an ideal situation, both parents contribute to the care of...
Finding the right help when you cannot pay your child support
Even in the most advantageous of circumstances—an intact family with two parents working at good jobs—it can still be hard to make ends meet. When divorce enters the picture and child support issues land on the table, things can take a fast turn to utter chaos. The...
The true importance of financially supporting your child
Despite being attorneys, we sometimes believe that the moment child support becomes a legal issue, it turns into a negative for all involved. Think of it this way: Any legal matter from a simple traffic ticket to a life-changing family law issue puts people on guard...